Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Food Trucks’

Chelsea of “Chelsea Lately” loves Catahoula Coffee….

November 23, 2013

Here is an interesting tid-bit of the day:

Chatting with a new online customer. She then volunteers on how she heard of Catahoula Coffee…… While watching “Chelsea Lately”…Chelsea begins to say how her and Reese Witherspoon got all Jacked up on all the Catahoula Coffee being brewed on set while filming “This Means War!”. Great little plugged, eh!!

Love to send her some coffee………

MEL makes his debut

February 21, 2012

MEL at Rest

Last Sunday (2/19) Catahoula’s Mobile Espresso Lab (MEL) made it’s debut at the closing party for the SF BeerWeek hosted by Trumer Pils of Berkeley. They wanted to give the guests an extra treat of Catahoula Coffee…plus they added Hannah The Naughty Doughnut Girl….which made a perfect combination. I am surprised the local authorities did not swarm MEL.

Cops = Coffee & Doughnuts. Yummmm!!

MEL handled the masses with ease. (And when I say “Masses” …I mean semi-drunken beer drinkers.)   Folks were so patient and waited in line for a Mexi Mocha or Zambrano.

MEL is project of mine….still plenty of work to do on MEL……but hopefully you will see him appear at local events.

When there is need of GREAT espresso…… MEL will be there!!!

Life is Good when MEL is in the house!